New Blog Spotlight! Evening Program at Camp Birch Hill: Capture the Flag
Monday, February 5th, 2018
Exciting news camp friends! We are introducing a brand new spotlight to our blog. For the first time ever we are going to be showcasing the different evening programs that we have here at camp. For those of you who haven’t been lucky enough to take part in an evening program at Camp Birch Hill, we are here to save the day and tell you all about it!
Evening program, also known as EP, is a camp wide activity that happens every night when camp is in session. In the evenings, after we all fill our bellies with dinner in the Wildwood Cafe, we head back to our cabins for a rest and to prepare for the chosen EP of the night. EP always involves a whole lot of team spirit and either dressing in theme as a cabin or team.
Over the years there have been many different and creative EP’s invented. We like to keep things fresh and diverse here at camp but we also like to celebrate tradition, so we play EP’s that are loved camp wide, old or new. Some of the evening programs that we will be talking about here on the blog are oldies but goodies and some are new ones that have stuck.
To kick off our new spotlight we are going to tell you all about Capture the Flag. This particular EP is a traditional game that we play on the first night of camp each session. After dinner on opening day we all head back to our cabins and dress in either black or white depending on what team we are on. The teams are equally divided to have girls and boys cabins of all ages on each team. At 7PM all of camp congriagtes on the basketball court to sit with their cabins and listen to the rules of the game. Below on the playing fields are two balls that are placed on the end of each field. The object of the game is to run from your chosen side to where the ball is and get it safely back to your side with out being tagged. Players who are tagged have to go to “jail” and stay there until a member from their team tags them to set them free. The team that steals the ball and gets it safely to their side the most times wins the game!
Capture the flag is a camper favorite and the perfect way to get in to the spirit of camp on the first night. It is the sort of game that suits all ages and fitness levels and campers are able to enjoy themselves in the game going at their own pace. We love to have evening programs that involve physical activity because it means when we finally go back to our cabins at the end of the night, we crawl into our bunk beds happily exhausted and full of excitement for the next day.
We can’t wait to share more Evening Programs with you all. Stay tuned for more!