Life at Camp


The Birch Hill program is designed with a focus on fun, allowing campers to embrace activities they already enjoy while exposing them to a wide variety of new activities with skillful instruction.



When camp is in session the days are divided in to “B-days,” “H-days” and “S-days.”

B and H days are activity days and S days are special days.  Except for the opening and closing day of each session, every day is a B,H, or S day.  cartwheelEach camper has an individual schedule based on activities they have chosen that they follow on B- and H-days. The outline of activity days looks the same, only the activities change.

On an “S-Day” campers have a late wake up and special breakfast buffet.  We offer both “In-Camp S-Days” and “Off-Camp S-Days”.  In-Camp S-Days are specially designed fun filled days  that include Carnival Day, Themed Activity Days, and hiking Mt. Major in Alton Bay, NH.  Off-Camp S-Days allow campers to experience local New Hampshire attractions with trips to exciting destinations state beaches, Lake Winnipesaukee and local water parks.  

What do I love about Birch Hill? Everything! Of course there’s all the great stuff, the water-skiing, the horseback riding, the lake, the friends, the fun but to me, it’s just so relaxing, I love just having a nice easy summer with no pressure and tons of fun. – Zach


Activity Days 

Rest Hour ReadingOn activity days campers have breakfast at 8am.  After breakfast, they have cabin clean up and time to get ready for the day.

At 9:15am the entire camp meets at the circle of the pines for a meeting we call “cove.”  Cove is a time for us to acknowledge birthdays, announce personal choice activities, and go over other important announcements.  We then disperse and begin our scheduled activities.

During the morning each camper has three scheduled classes that last for an hour each.

At 12:30pm  we have lunch followed by a relaxing period called rest hour.  Here campers have time to rest, read, relax and write home to their friends and family.

Fourth and fifth period scheduled activities follow rest hour and sixth period twinboys is a PC period (personal choice).  During PC the waterfront is open, the candy shop is open and there are always a number of changing activities planned for this time.  Some popular PC’s in the past have included frisbee slip n’ slide, greasy watermelon, birch ball, painting with horses and many others.

When PC is over we meet again for cove where announcements from the day include fun anecdotes, award presentations for special accomplishments and thanks to campers or staff who witnessed making a contribution to camplife during the day.

After Evening cove we enjoy dinner together at the cafe followed by quiet time before evening program begins.  Evening program is usually a camp-wide sports game like capture the flag or events like cabin cheers and lip syncs.

After evening program we return to our cabins for quiet time and much needed rest after a busy day!

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