Blast from the Past: Camp Birch Hill Brochure 1941

Thursday, February 27th, 2020

If you have ever wondered what camp may have been like in its earliest years, this ‘Birch Hill Camps Brochure’ from 1941 recently discovered on Ebay by camp counselor Thomas D’Anieri will bestow you a glimpse into the past and give you some insight into what kind of place it was like back then. This historical gem has shown us that what is at the very heart of Camp Birch Hill today has been its backbone since the very beginning. The very first line of the introduction to the brochure is “Birch Hill is a camp for the individual.” This has clearly been an important value since camp was established and we pride ourselves today on that value. Our elective based schedule gives our campers a unique experience compared to other camps. We place important emphasis on choice, cultivating strong, independent individuals who are constantly pushing their boundaries and trying new activities. We are proud to be a classic summer camp with such strong integrity rooted in nearly a century of tradition. 

We hope you enjoy perusing this beautiful piece of Birch Hill history.